Monday, June 2, 2008

Insecure Scott

Few Points

1. It's possible he was beaten by the White House press corp's psychological warfare.


2. Isn't this really about McClellan's ego being pricked because he was told to sell a cover-story (Plame) to the press that wasn't true? McClellan missed the fine-print about being a "spokesman:" you sell the message--you don't craft the message. But McClellan was stung when he realized he was just a go-between for the Bush Administration and an enemy press corps.

McClellan's job was to give cover to the administration while the work of building a legal strategy and assessing the danger the Plame affair might have on careers, families, and lives went on. That job, in retrospect, was beneath him.

3. Wimp

4. There's nothing particularly damaging or unprecedented in the book. We all know the Plame story; justice has been meted out. Folks like McClellan write their books, go on the Sunday shows, and enjoy their ten minutes. And with the exception of unwatchable gasbags like Keith Olbermann who stupidly called McClellan's book a "primary document of American history," most Americans--with all that's on their plate--can feel in their gut the stakes are low.

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